The Fish Tank : The home aquarium

Click on the fish in the tank to read about species, or click on the cupboard doors
for care and general aquarium maintenance and information.

Index of Fish Species
Links and webrings

Aquarium set up and maintained by Dianne Davies © 2002-2007. All rights reserved.
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Disclaimer : Every effort has been made to ensure that all information on this site is accurate; nevertheless, no responsibility can be accepted for loss or damage, material or otherwise, caused by the use of any information on this site. If in doubt, please consult your local veterinarian or aquatic specialist.

Back to top of page plants plants plants plants Elephantnose Red-finned Shark Hoplosternum Hatchet Fish Plecostomus catfish Corydoras sp. Red-finned Shark Rainbow Fish Red-eye Tetra Red-eye Tetra Corydoras species Silver Shark Silver Dollars Red-eye Tetras Rainbow Fish Pangasius catfish (juveniles)